Lawn Care Services

Lawn Care

Lawn Care

In many neighborhoods, people envy the neighbor with the most beautiful lawn, and think that a lawn of equal health and aesthetic beauty is not within their grasp. Protex Lawn and Pest Control can help make this dream lawn a reality.

A well-maintained lawn involves several factors in order to live up to its full potential such as, proper fertilization, adequate watering, turf damaging pest control, as well as mowing frequency and height. All turf and plants necessitate certain chemical elements for optimal growth and appearance. Of these nutrients, at least 17 are acknowledged to be vital elements. All essential elements with the exception of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are obtained from the soil and absorbed by the plants root system. If the available nutrients in the soil are inadequate, turfgrass growth and quality will be negatively impacted. However, essential elements can be added to the soil through fertilizer applications. At Protex, we utilize a complete blend of macro, secondary, and micro nutrients, to provide your turfgrass with optimal nutrient levels for the best overall turf quality possible.

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